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Minutes of the special meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday,  March 2, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Roger Letso. Absent: Joseph Girgasky, Thomas Catalina, Peter Samoskevich, Joseph Whelan.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representatives Timothy Gunn and Mark Schweitzer, one Ames & Whitaker representative and O&G representative John Cross (7:30 p.m.).

Public Participation. None noted.

Mr. Mitchell noted that as there was not a quorum present, approval of the following applications for payment and change orders will be ratified at the next meeting:

Community Center. There is money for the design of the building in the 2014-2015 Capital Improvement Plan. He will present the final schematic at the next meeting. Litchfield Hall will be rebid in April or may to overlap with of the Parks and Recreation project.

Town Hall Close out process. It was noted that windows have been caulked. Also that there is question of whether some items are warranty items or punch list items. Mr. Mitchell said that the warranty does not begin until the building is accepted by the Town so that these are not warranty items. Mr. Knight said that the HVAC leaks have been taken care of. Roof leaks were fixed. Most leaks resulted from clogged gutters but there was leaking around the cupolas. Water pressure has been resolved. Mr. Knight said that a booster pump has not  been installed; Mr. Juliano said that multiple booster pumps on secondary runs were discussed. Mr. Mitchell noted that Public Building has not seen anything on these items. Mr. Knight said that audio work is ongoing. He noted that the AT&T conduit had leaked again. Mr. Juliano noted that these leaks were on the inside not from the wall. Asbuilts on the IT system were submitted. Set points on the heating system are done; the system is balanced. Mr. Juliano said that the fiberglass insulation should be replaced with spray in foam. It was felt that the Town could do this. Mr. Knight noted that compensators were put on the long runs.

Mr. Mitchell noted that the Town does not have front end specs for its projects. Mr. Mitchell noted concerns including leaks in the Land Use heating system, the fact that a ceiling tile outside Land Use fell off and water leaks in the Town Clerk’s vault. The leaks and the tile will be reviewed by Mr. Knight. He said that the leak in the vault was caused by a blocked gutter. Mr. Letso feels that the roof needs to be replaced. Mr. Knight will see if dry heat was installed in the elevator shaft. The cost will be determined of a plaque to be placed in the building upon completion of the work as is in the other town buildings that Public Building and Site was involved with.

The access to the men’s room will remain as is if it is confirmed that this meets the building codes; the access does meet the ADA codes.

Mr. Mitchell noted that Newtown Hook and Ladder wants to make a presentation to the Public Building and Site Commission. He told them that  the Commission does not discuss a proposal until the Board of Selectmen refers it to the Commission and that this is premature.

Mr. Knight said that we are not at the point of recommending that the Town accept the building. Mr. Mitchell said that retainage for the trades not involved in outstanding issues should be released.

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Schweitzer  noted that the project is two weeks behind schedule. There will be a meeting tomorrow re the gym room and will include the insurance carriers and general trades. Also noted was that the following have been completed: the SMU wall and roof in Area B; 90% of the masonry in Area A and 75% in Area B. The stair in 3 will be replaced next month.  Substantially complete are the masonry and the Alternate 8 foundation and roof top units.

Mr. Knight noted that the software used to compute the cost of the change orders favors the contractor. Mr. Mitchell noted that the project is at 50% completion and that change orders should reflect up to that amount of completion also. He said that the software does not relate to the real time being spent on the work.

Mr. Costa noted that from now on the Public Building and Site Commission does not have to sign the change orders and that they will be presented to the Board of Education. The HVAC units are scheduled for next month.

It was noted that ECI, the electrical sub, has submitted a project delay claim against Morganti.

The Commission agreed to Mr. Costa’s request for approval to go out to bid for the table base clearance items for handicap access. Mr. Costa noted that we are waiting for pricing for the greenhouse and that the irrigation system will be an alternate. The heating source will be a ceiling mounted gas blower.

Mr. Costa said that the telephone system in the old building is not compatible with the system in the addition. He said that the cost for the old building will be listed as a separate item.

Mr. Mitchell advised that Town Attorney Dave Grogins said that the scope of the project can be added to as long as it is still under the bonded amount so that additional items do not necessary have to come out of contingency. Mr. Mitchell requested that change orders be sent to the Commission two weeks prior to the next meeting for review.

Town Hall close out process (continued). Mr. Cross advised that some fiberoptic cables around the sealed wall leaked water. He also requested that retainage for contractors not involved in outstanding issues be released.

Review of Applications for Payment – Community Center.

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Application for Payment:

Oscar’s Abatement invoice #2 in the amount of $13,965.00. Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

Review of Applications for Payment – Town Hall.

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Application for Payment:

O&G Industries invoice #43646 in the amount of $52,775.00. The invoice indicates 75% completion but as of this date is actually 90%. Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor
O&G Industries (Final) Application for Payment D0021 in the amount of $606,124.67. Mr. Mitchell would like to release the retainage of those subcontractors who are not involved in any outstanding items (about $50,000). Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment of Application D0021 in the amount of $550,000.00 pending the availability of funds . Second by Mr. D’Angelo. All were in favor.
High School Expansion Project
Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders;

Morganti Application #8 in the amount $1,363,535.93. The Commission is concerned with the quality of block work by the mason and the fact that there is no plan in place to repair it.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds and contingent upon a plan of action to repair the masonry and satisfactory answers at the next meeting concerning the mason.. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #15813 in the amount of $3,405.00 for greenhouse redesign.
Fletcher Thompson invoice #15809 in the amount of $7,900.00 for FF&E and Fletcher Thompson invoice #15810 in the amount of $54.47 for reimbursables. Fletcher Thompson invoice #15811 in the amount of $39,088..00 for contract administration and
Fletcher Thompson invoice #15812 in the amount of $320.24 for reimbursables. These invoices represent 64% completion that is actually higher to date. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Order #13 in the amount of 1.410/81 for light fixtures; #14 in the amount of $8.996.32 for seismic clips, #15 in the amount of 2,755.92 for gas to the gas panel, #16 in the amount of $33,440.75 for upgrade of the alarm system and #17 in the amount of $2,182.62 for lintels. Mr. Knight had reviewed all of the above change orders and recommends approval. Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. Mr. Letso seconded. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Order #13 in the amount of $1,419.71 to change electrical voltage
Mr. D'Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds.
Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Town Hall Close Out
Unfinished Business None noted.

New Business None noted.
Adjournment. Having no further business, Mr. D’Angelo moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission at  p.m.. ~Mr. Juliano seconded. Motion unanimously carried.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk pro tem